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At the Speed of Business

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The speed of business today demands that IT become ever more agile, resilient, secure, and innovative. CIOs need to stay abreast of developments in everything from cyber security to compliance requirements to cloud computing. Our multi-author blogging team, sponsored by Sungard Availability Services, offers you deep insights into reducing risk, managing complexity, and moving towards becoming a digital enterprise…all to help you move at the speed of business.

Five Questions CIOs Should Ask When Managing An  IT Disaster Recovery Program In-House

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Five Questions CIOs Should Ask When Managing An IT Disaster Recovery Program In-House

Which direction will you choose for your IT Disaster Recovery Program?

Learning Business Continuity Can Improve Information Technology Professional Skills

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

Learning Business Continuity Can Improve Information Technology Professional Skills

As an information technology professional, learning business continuity could help improve your professional skills.

Why Cloud Computing Implementations Typically Fail

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Why Cloud Computing Implementations Typically Fail

Don't make these mistakes when it comes to cloud computing implementation.

The Weaknesses Of A Work-From-Home Disaster Recovery Plan

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The Weaknesses Of A Work-From-Home Disaster Recovery Plan

Telework is getting more popular every year and many companies are not prepared with a work from home disaster recovery plan.

Something To Consider When Dressing For Success

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Something To Consider When Dressing For Success

When dressing for success, who would have thought the sneaker might be the better option?

CIOs Don't Just Run The IT Department

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CIOs Don't Just Run The IT Department

As a CIO, business now comes before the IT department.

Why Your LinkedIn Profile Might Be The Source of Hacker Attacks

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Why Your LinkedIn Profile Might Be The Source of Hacker Attacks

Your professional network may be the link of your company's next hacker attack.

Why Virtualization And Cloud Computing Work Better Together

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Why Virtualization And Cloud Computing Work Better Together

When it comes to cloud computing, virtualization's key benefits is that companies can make more efficient use of their IT resources.

You Can't Get Good Cyber Security At Wal-Mart

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You Can't Get Good Cyber Security At Wal-Mart

You can't get good cyber security at Wal-Mart… it can only be obtained by educating your employees. Cyber security is a top concern in the IT industry today. In this series, we will look at various threats to cyber security - and...

How Technology Innovations Can Make Or Break A CIO

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How Technology Innovations Can Make Or Break A CIO

The CIO now determines the role of technology innovations in raising their business to the next level.

Don't Be Fooled About Cloud Disaster Recovery

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

Don't Be Fooled About Cloud Disaster Recovery

While there is a lot of confusion surrounding cloud disaster recovery, the most important aspect is whether your business applications are functional and your end user/consumer needs can be met.

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Avoid This Hot Mess: How To Backup Your Hybrid IT Environment

Data from Sungard Availability Services shows that 65% of all IT environments are multi-platform (or hybrid). Believe it or not, this makes IT's task of recovering these environments a "hot mess." With today being World Backup...

Password Security:  Reality or Joke?

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Password Security: Reality or Joke?

How many sticky notes have you seen around the office like this that have compromised your company's password security policies?

Five Ways For CIOs To Get Through To CEOs

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Five Ways For CIOs To Get Through To CEOs

CIOs need to speak the language of business in order to communicate with their CEOs.

When Hiring Employees, Look For A Track Record Of Failures, Not Successes

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

When Hiring Employees, Look For A Track Record Of Failures, Not Successes

When hiring employees, it's important to remember that people rarely learn from their successes, but learning from their failures can make them a better future employee.

Five Basic Things You Should Know About Cloud Computing

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

Five Basic Things You Should Know About Cloud Computing

Confused by the cloud? You're not alone. This cloud computing introduction may be useful.

The #1 Information Security Policy That IT  Managers Would Change

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

The #1 Information Security Policy That IT Managers Would Change

Every person within an organization can accidentally break the company's information security policies if they are not careful. Cyber security is a top concern in the IT industry today. In this series, we will look at various...

IT Professionals Think Information Security And Disaster Recovery Should Be Last To Get Budget Cuts

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IT Professionals Think Information Security And Disaster Recovery Should Be Last To Get Budget Cuts

IT professionals are clearly concerned that their information security and disaster recovery programs will face budget cuts.

Which Chief Information Officer  Responsibilities Keep You Awake At Night?

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

Which Chief Information Officer Responsibilities Keep You Awake At Night?

Too Many Chief Information Officer's Responsibilities Keep Them Counting Sheep.

Business Transformation Starts With Serious Spring Cleaning

BrandPost Sungard Availability Services

Business Transformation Starts With Serious Spring Cleaning

A good spring cleaning may help you achieve the business transformation process you are striving for.

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